After getting injured in a car crash, you should absolutely seek out medical care. You should definitely try to take pictures at the scene and get the names of any witnesses to the crash. These are all good things to do after getting injured in a car crash, but is there anything you shouldn’t do? There are several important things you should avoid after getting injured in a car crash. Failure to avoid these things can jeopardize your health and any personal injury claim you may wish to file to recover monetary compensation for your injuries and losses associated with the crash.
What Should You Avoid After Getting Injured in a Car Crash?
First thing is first, if you have been involved in a car crash, contact the police. You should definitely try to gather information at the scene, but getting a police officer there will generate an official crash report. This is valuable evidence to present in a personal injury case. Do not try to handle everything without law enforcement.
While you are at the car accident scene, avoid dealings with the other driver or drivers involved. Being cordial is fine, but avoid being confrontational or getting aggressive. This will only make an already tough situation worse. It’s really best just to keep contact with the other parties at a minimal. The more you talk the more you might do something like apologizing for the crash. While an “I’m sorry” may seem innocent, it may come up later in matters related to liability. Apologizing for the crashes makes it seem like you have something to be sorry about meaning you did something to cause the crash. Taken out of context, an apology can land you with some blame for the crash.
One of the most important things to avoid after being injured in a crash is failing to get examined by a medical professional. Injuries that may seem small at the time can be way more serious than you originally thought. Get looked at by a doctor. Also, do not become complacent and fail to get proper follow up medical care. Failure to seek follow up medical care and follow the instructions of your treating physician jeopardize your health and recovery. It also jeopardizes your personal injury claim. If you are not seeking medical treatment for your injury, an insurance company is unlikely to think you were really hurt in the crash.
Also, do not wait to file your insurance claim. Notify your own insurance company and the insurance company of the other driver as soon as possible. Delays in filing these claims risk your right to recovery. Some companies require that you file your claim within a certain amount of time following a crash.
Since we live in such a digital age, it is also important to mention that you should avoid any social media use after a crash. We are often tempted to go right to Facebook or another social media platform following a life event such as a car crash. Resist the temptation. Posting about the crash can jeopardize your personal injury claim. It is another chance to undermine your injuries or unknowingly place blame on yourself for the crash.
Fighting for Car Crash Victims
Katter Law Firm is here for car crash injury victims. We protect your legal rights and work to help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today.