Seven Ways Negligent Supervision May Hurt Your Child

Seven Ways Negligent Supervision May Hurt Your Child

When parents leave their children in the care of teachers, babysitters, or other caretakers, it is with the expectation that their children will be properly cared for. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and children can be seriously harmed by the negligence of people in charge of caring for them. Here are seven ways negligent supervision may hurt your child:

  1. Failure to keep track of children’s whereabouts
    • A caretaker should always know where the children in their care are, even if they are not directly supervising them. With negligent supervision, however, a child may wander off elsewhere without the caretaker knowing, causing them to become lost.
  2. Failure to keep dangerous items out of reach
    • Anyone who cares for children should know that certain items, such as knives, guns, or toxic chemicals, should always be kept out of reach of children. Negligent caretakers may forget why this is important, however, resulting in children hurting themselves with these potentially deadly implements.
  3. Failure to prevent bullying or fighting
    • When caring for multiple children, it is especially important to prevent bullying or fighting between the kids. When a caretaker does not take appropriate steps to prevent this kind of behavior, the result may be negligent supervision, resulting in otherwise preventable harm.
  4. Failure to prevent harm from animals
    • Young children often do not know how to handle cats, dogs, or other animals in a way that will prevent harm to themselves or the animal. Without adequate supervision, it is easy for even relatively small animals to inflict serious injuries on children.
  5. Failure to keep children away from dangerous areas
    • Swimming pools, construction sites, and other hazardous areas are not good places for children to be, especially unsupervised. With negligent supervision, however, children may be left to wander into these areas on their own, potentially resulting in them hurting themselves.
  6. Failure to prevent children from using vehicles or machinery
    • Children are often curious and more clever than most adults realize, and that means they may sometimes figure out how to start a car or other heavy machine. With negligent supervision, it is surprisingly easy for a child to potentially use these machines, including driving off in the car and potentially getting into an accident.
  7. Failure to provide prompt care for injury or illness
    • The moment a caretaker realizes a child is sick or injured, they should make sure to get them prompt medical care. If they fail to do so, it could result in their condition getting worse, increasing the likelihood of potentially life-threatening complications.

If you or someone you love has been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, contact the New York personal injury lawyers at the Katter Law Firm. We will help you protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve. To schedule a consultation, contact us at 212-809-4293, or visit our contact page.

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