The definition of cosmetics by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act is “articles intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled, or sprayed on, introduced into, or otherwise applied to the human body…for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance.” There are millions of people who use cosmetics on a daily basis for their face, body, hair, and more. In doing so, most people like to believe that these products are safe to use. While this can be true, there are many cases in which unsafe products are distributed, only to cause harm to those who use them. If you sustained an injury due to the negligence of a cosmetic company, it is important to retain the services of an experienced New York personal injury attorney for assistance in building a case.
How Do I Sue a Cosmetic Company?
When a person is injured by a defective or faulty cosmetic product and wishes to pursue legal action, it is important to understand product liability law. This holds companies and manufacturers liable for the products they make and distribute for consumers to use. If negligence occurs during the production of a cosmetic item, consumers can be harmed as a result. This may be the case if a product designer, manufacturer, or distributor does not fulfill their duty of care to those who use their products.
In these situations, an injured party can choose to file a personal injury claim. When this happens, they are required to prove negligence with evidence that shows the product was processed and distributed in an “unreasonably dangerous condition.”
What Do I Need to Pursue Legal Action?
When a person is harmed by a cosmetic product they sue, it is important to secure any evidence in order to build a case. The evidence must prove that the product was negligently created, processed, and distributed. In addition to this, injured parties must show that, despite using it as instructed, they suffered serious damages as a result. To start, it is important to take pictures of the rash or burn as soon as you notice the harmful effects and save the rest of the product as well as its packaging. In addition to this, seek out the necessary medical assistance so that a doctor can treat and document the injuries for proof. This evidence can be gathered with the assistance of an experienced attorney who can present it to the court in an effective manner.
Contact our Firm
A personal injury accident can have a great impact on your life and your bank account. At Katter Law Firm, we believe that everyone should be held liable for his or her own negligence; you should not have to bear the burden of someone else’s mistakes. To learn more or to schedule a free consultation, visit us online or call us today!