People who put their loved ones in a nursing home do so because they trust they will be taken care of. Usually, this is the case and there are no problems. However, there are some instances in which negligence occurs and loved ones are mistreated in homes. If you have a loved one living in a nursing home, it is important to look out for signs of abuse. If you believe a loved one was the victim of negligence in a nursing home, contact an experienced New York nursing home negligence attorney today.
What are Signs of Abuse?
It is important to know that signs of abuse in a nursing home do not always appear physically. It can also be sexual abuse, medication errors, and more. If a loved one of yours is in a nursing home, be sure to look out for the following signs:
- Broken bones
- Unexplained bruises
- Malnutrition
- Dehydration
- Bedsores
- Sudden weight loss
- If the loved one expresses a fear of being left alone
In 1997, the Older Adults Protective Services Act was amended to require reports of suspected abuse by all administrators and employees of nursing home facilities. These reports can be made to the local Area Agency on Aging and licensed agencies. Reports of sexual abuse, serious physical or bodily injury, or suspicious death should be made to the Department of Aging and local law enforcement.
What Rights Do Residents Have?
All individuals living within a nursing home have certain rights, including the following:
- To be informed of their personal medical conditions
- To be informed of any charges or services
- To receive the policies, resident rights and procedures of their facility in writing
- To be free of restraints unless medically ordered
- To manage their own finances
- To choose their own doctor and pharmacy
- All records are confidential
- To have their privacy, respect, and dignity maintained
- To participate in their plan of care and refuse any treatment they wish
- To voice their concerns without fear
- To receive immediate visitor access from loved ones
- To not be discharged or transferred unless for medical reasons, if the facility closes, nonpayment, or for reasons of their welfare or other residents’ welfare
Contact our Firm
A personal injury accident can have a great impact on your life and your bank account. At Katter Law Firm, we believe that everyone should be held liable for his or her own negligence; you should not have to bear the burden of someone else’s mistakes. To learn more or to schedule a free consultation, visit us online or call us today!