Even though dog is man’s best friend, sometimes dogs bite. Whether it’s because of prior abuse, lack of care, overzealous playing, or inherent nature, dog bites can result in severe injury and/or blood loss. They are not to be taken lightly. If a dog ever bites you, there are certain things that you should know in order to protect yourself from further harm. Here is what you need to remember, should you find yourself the victim of a dog bite.
1. Administer First Aid
The very first thing you need to do is get yourself to a safe location so that there is no longer an opportunity to hurt you any further. Once you are in a safe place, you need to treat the injury right away in order to reduce the risk of infection. Minor bites can usually be treated at home, but when injuries are more severe it is imperative that you seek professional medical attention. Do not drive yourself to the hospital or doctor’s office if you feel shaken up.
You should also seek medical attention If the area of the bite becomes warm, red, swollen, or tender to touch, if you are running a fever, if you cannot remember the date of your last tetanus shot, or you feel disoriented or faint. Be sure to seek professional medical attention if:
- The bite leaks pus or fluid
- You cannot stop the bleeding
- You are in severe pain
- The dog responsible for the bite is not up to date on its vaccinations or is behaving erratically
- You experience any loss of function
- Your muscles, tendons, or bones are exposed
2. Take Extra Steps to Prevent Infection
After you have initially treated the bite, you should also be sure to prevent infection. Wash the area with soap and warm water. If possible, you may want to apply antibacterial ointment to further your protection. If your skin is broken, also press gently on the wound to get out some blood in order to expel any germs that have accumulated in the area. If you are already bleeding, gently press down on the wound with a clean cloth in order to help bring bleeding to a stop. Afterward, apply antibacterial ointment and protect it with a sterile bandage.
3. Find Out the Dog’s Medical History
After you have taken the first two steps, try to find out about the dog’s medical history, specifically whether or not it has been received a rabies vaccine. If the owner is around, you should also ask for his or her information including name, telephone number, and the veterinarian’s information. If you see the owner’s identification, better yet. If the owner is not present, you should ask any witnesses if they recognize the dog and where it lives.
Dog owners should always stay up-to-date with your own dog’s inoculations in case he or she ever bites someone. Any dog is capable of biting – no matter how nice they ordinarily are.
Katter Law Firm Helps Those in New York Who Have Suffered a Dog Bite
When we think of dog bites we often underestimate the destruction that they can cause, which can have a long-lasting impact on your physical, emotional, and financial health. At the Katter Law Firm, we work with clients to help them achieve their best possible outcome. We will fight to get you what you deserve! To learn more or to schedule a free consultation, call us at 212-809-4293 today!