Seven Ways Negligent Pet Owners Cause Animal Bites

Seven Ways Negligent Pet Owners Cause Animal Bites

When people choose to own pets, there is an expectation that those pet owners will keep their animals from harming others. When they fail at this basic responsibility, they put the lives of others at risk. Here are seven ways negligent pet owners can cause dog and animal bites:

  1. Failing to train their animals
    • One of the most common reasons for dog and animal bites is that the animal in question is not properly trained. This means they will not listen to commands, and will not stop themselves from attacking someone they see as a threat.
  2. Failing to socialize animals
    • Another common issue in dog and animal bite cases is the pet is poorly socialized, meaning they are not taught to keep calm around people or animals they are not familiar with. This makes them more agitated around strangers and, thus, more likely to attack.
  3. Failing to keep animals fenced in
    • Another issue that can cause animal bites is a failure to fence in pets, particularly dogs. Without adequate fencing, an animal can wander away from their owner’s property and attack someone without the owner even realizing it.
  4. Failing to use a leash
    • Pets, and particularly dogs, should always be kept on a leash when out in public. The failure to do so means that the owner will have little way of preventing animal bites if their pet decides to attack someone.
  5. Failing to control animals
    • Sometimes an owner will have their dog or other animal leashed, but simply refuse to exercise control over their animal. As a result, they may put others at a significantly higher risk of a bite.
  6. Failing to keep animals away from small children
    • Small children are among the most likely victims of dog and animal bites, and also the ones most likely to be severely injured by a bite. If a pet owner leaves their animal alone with a small child, they risk the child being bitten while they are not being supervised.
  7. Failing to address aggression issues
    • Pet owners should know the temperament of their animals, and make sure to address any issues with aggression or attacking others. If an animal has a history of biting others, the owner can be held accountable for any harm caused by their pet.

If you or someone you know has been in an accident that was the result of someone else’s negligence, including being attacked by a dog, contact the New York personal injury lawyers at the Katter Law Firm. We will help you protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve. To schedule a consultation, contact us at 212-809-4293, or visit our contact page.

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