Seven Major Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Seven Major Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are among the deadliest types of motor vehicle accidents, with motorcyclists themselves often at heightened risk of injury. Here are seven major causes of motorcycle accidents to be wary of:

  1. Speeding
    • One of the most commonly cited factors in motorcycle accidents is speeding, with faster vehicles typically resulting in more frequent and more fatal accidents. Speeding vehicles have a harder time stopping or maneuvering to avoid accidents, and cause greater damage due to the higher speed of the impact.
  2. Driving at night
    • Motorcyclists are at an especially high risk of suffering an accident when driving at night. This is because other drivers may struggle to see them when it is dark, even if they are wearing reflective clothing to make themselves more visible.
  3. Distracted drivers
    • Texting and driving, as well as other types of distracted driving, are also commonly seen in motorcycle accidents. This is because a distracted driver is less likely to see or react to a motorcycle near them in time to avoid an accident.
  4. Failure to yield right of way
    • Drivers often fail to yield the right of way to motorcyclists, making intersections particularly dangerous for them. Vehicles making left turns, in particular, are known to be disproportionately dangerous, due to blind spots preventing vehicles from seeing motorcycles coming from the left side.
  5. Maintenance failures
    • Motorcycle accidents can also become more likely if a vehicle is not properly maintained. This can result in a vehicle having bad brakes, a faulty suspension, or other mechanical issues that can cause an accident, or make an accident even worse.
  6. Bad weather
    • Sometimes, the cause of an accident is the result of bad weather conditions, such as rain, snow, or ice. The worse the weather is, the more likely it is there will be a serious accident, whether due to poor visibility or lack of traction.
  7. Drunk driving
    • Drunk drivers are among the most deadly drivers on the road, and that includes those that get into accidents with motorcycles. When drunk drivers get behind the wheel, they are much more likely to cause a serious accident that may result in injury or death to others.


If you or someone you know has been in an accident that was the result of someone else’s negligence, contact the New York personal injury lawyers at the Katter Law Firm. We will help you protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve. To schedule a consultation, contact us at 212-809-4293, or visit our contact page.

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