1.5 Million Bed Rails Recalled Due to Entrapment Risk

1.5 Million Bed Rails Recalled Due to Entrapment Risk

Medline Industries, a major medical supply manufacturer, has issued a recall for approximately 1.5 million bed rails after it was found that seniors could be entrapped by the bar and potentially suffocate. Two deaths have already been attributed to the defective bed rails. Anyone who utilizes or knows someone who uses one of these bed rails, should stop using it and contact the manufacturer for a refund.

What Are Medline Bed Assist Bar bed rails?

The Medline Bed Assist Bar is a bed rail that can be installed on an adult-sized bed to prevent accidental falls. It is intended to make it easier for seniors to get out of bed and prevent them from rolling out of bed in their sleep. It is primarily intended for elderly or disabled people with mobility issues who are at higher risk of accidentally falling out of bed. The beds were sold under model numbers MDS6800BA and MDS6800BAH between July 2009 and March 2024, retailing for between $32 and $64.

Why Were They Recalled?

These bed rails were recalled after it a defect was found that could cause people who used them to become accidentally entrapped by the rails, potentially resulting in injury or suffocation. At least two people have died due to the bed rails, both of whom were elderly and living at a long-term care facility. In a statement, the company advised people to read the instructions to ensure their products are used correctly, but still advised customers to stop using the rails and to contact them for a refund.

Why Is This Product Dangerous?

Elderly people are at a much higher risk of injury compared to the rest of the population, particularly when it comes to falls. They are dependent on products like these bed rails to protect them from harm, but when they are defective, they can make the situation even worse. That is why it is important to speak to a lawyer if you are injured by a company’s products, to ensure you can hold them to account and get the compensation you rightfully deserve.

If you or someone you know has been injured by using a Medline Bed Assist Bar, contact the New York personal injury lawyers at the Katter Law Firm. We will help you protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve. To schedule a consultation, contact us at 212-809-4293, or visit our contact page.

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